
검색 > Victor Choi총 2종 이 검색되었습니다.

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    eBOOK [경제/비즈니스]
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    PRESENTED is telling you how TED speakers deliver their presentation. As we already know, TED speakers frequently tell their powerful stories. And if we know how the structure of t...
    • qr코드
  • Keynote Like A Pro
    대여동시이용제한 없이 이용 가능합니다.
    eBOOK [수험서/자격증]
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    • 추천 0
    There are three vital factors crucial to success in a presentation: the content of the presentation (stories), design, and presentation skills. There are already countless books o...
    • qr코드

PC : Window 7 OS 이상

스마트기기 : IOS 8.0 이상, Android 4.1 이상
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전용단말기 : B-815, B-612만 지원 됩니다.